Honegger, Cindy_IMG_0880.jpeg

CINDY honegger - TRUSTEE…

What compels you to serve on the MCF Board? Quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta, "We can do small things with great love." A strong sense of community and service that leads us to want to be a part of the greater good. The gift of granting and honor of remembrance of the beauty of many lives and their legacy is very humbling and a true blessing.

Cindy is currently retired: Retired RN, pediatric oncology; Many volunteer jobs in education and ministry at Blessed Sacrament School and Parish, Art teacher, 2nd grade religious education, preparation for Holy Communion, Athletic contributions to Youth soccer, and MHS girls soccer and Cross Country.

Formal Educational Background\Certifications: BSN Nursing

What unique skills and capabilities do you bring to the Morton Community Foundation Board? Fundraising skills, community involvement, and service to many non profit organizations, involvement in schools, both religious and public, homebound, aging ministry, healthcare, and grants.

What brings you joy and/or energizes you? Service to others brings joy, ministry to those in need, seniors and youth. Giving back to many, both in action and word.

Tell us about your family. I grew up in San Diego, CA, and spent many years traveling as a pediatric nurse. Married to Andy Honegger for 22 years, moved to Morton in 2000 from Boston, MA where I was working as RN at Boston Children's Hospital in pediatric oncology. We have two young adult daughters, Freshman and Junior at University of Notre Dame. We love living in Morton!